
Friday, May 8, 2020

Avery Elle - Woodland Wonder Window Cards

Hello everyone! Welcome back.

Today I'll be talking about the three cards I've made with Avery Elle's Woodland Wonder set. A new one to me, I had a bunch of fun making some window cards and stretching myself to do things I'm not yet good at! I hope you enjoy.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Watercolour Experiments with the Royal Jasmine (Technique Tuesday Greenhouse Society)

Hello everyone! 

I'm popping in with another quick card using Technique Tuesday's Royal Jasmine flower!

It's been a busy and yet quiet couple of weeks. I've been without work for a month but I have the good news that I can go back soon! So I'll be back into the swing of usual business. In the meantime, I've had a chance to relax, spend time with my boyfriend and, of course, craft!